Month: September 2008

  • Refined and more

    This video presents a beam of complex functions represented in Reflex : exp(i*pi/4)*oo(i*circle($x+tan(sinh(exp( z)))),5) where $x varies between -5.0 and 4.4 Mathematical points to observe: – The black circles come from the “circle” function, equal to conj(z)-1/z – oo(f(z), 3) == f(f(f(z))), that’s why there are some fractal-like elements in this video [Thanks to my […]

  • Exponential metamorphosis

    This video presents a beam of complex functions represented in Reflex : oo(2*(exp(-1/z^2)-$x), 10), where $x varies between -0.2995 and 1.5005 Mathematical points to observe: – The swap between the white ovals, which corresponds to a way through a double root. – The apparition of eigenvalues from scratch (one blue, then two different blue) Musique: […]