For one month now I have been generating Reflex at the speed of one per friend birthday, so one up to five a day, always produced the very day of the birthday. I’m choosing in function of what I know from the person, and from the discovered pictures.
So, in order to keep this quite high production rate, I continue to program the software, so that’s why I don’t have a public version yet.
Maybe you would have remarked that the pictures are now generated 4:3, which is more adapted to computer screens, at least more than 1:1. This provides the paradoxal impression to reveal more of the picture.
I tried different seeds, and different formula skeletons. Here in order the few tests I made :
- oo(randf(16), 5) – random function, not especially holomorphic, with 16 parameters, fracalized on level 5. It gave interesting results, but due to the lack of regularity, it was hard do obtain fractal patterns.
- oo(randf(8)+randf(8), 5) – sum of two random functions. It seemed to me that the sum of two random functions gave the most impressing results.
- oo(randf(9)+randh(9), 5) – A fixed part non holomorphic, and another holomorphic. This heuristic approach allows us to combine fractal parts with random patterns.
Here an example of such a Reflex for the birthday of a friend of mine, 24th September 2009.
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