Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Reflex Tracer for PDA

    The Reflex Tracer pour PDA is a program for Pocket PC allowing to easily explore complex functions, to customize the window and the exploration with the stylus. It can be downloaded here: Reflex Tracer for PDA.

  • The Reflex making-of

    Here are some informations about how the explanation video of Reflex has been made. The pictures which appear there are available in high quality at the end of this article. Why a video ? It’s been ages since I had the idea that if we look at a real function from above, there remains one […]

  • The explanation video

    Here is the explanation video of the “how” of Reflex, with some applications.  You can also consult its making-of.

  • Zoom over Pink Galaxy

    Trip into the heart of a complex function, on more than 30 orders of magnitude. Formula randomly generated. Music from Seven Kingdoms

  • Space-time cut in exponential function

    This is a complex function periodic beam represented in reflex. The formula is inside the video. Music from Shingetsutan Tsukihime – Crescent.

  • Refined and more

    This video presents a beam of complex functions represented in Reflex : exp(i*pi/4)*oo(i*circle($x+tan(sinh(exp( z)))),5) where $x varies between -5.0 and 4.4 Mathematical points to observe: – The black circles come from the “circle” function, equal to conj(z)-1/z – oo(f(z), 3) == f(f(f(z))), that’s why there are some fractal-like elements in this video [Thanks to my […]

  • Exponential metamorphosis

    This video presents a beam of complex functions represented in Reflex : oo(2*(exp(-1/z^2)-$x), 10), where $x varies between -0.2995 and 1.5005 Mathematical points to observe: – The swap between the white ovals, which corresponds to a way through a double root. – The apparition of eigenvalues from scratch (one blue, then two different blue) Musique: […]

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